Manager can update membership list with PowerShell
The management of AD groups does not have to be in IT hands. The ‘Group-Manager’ function is often used when a non-IT employee in the company has to manage a...
The management of AD groups does not have to be in IT hands. The ‘Group-Manager’ function is often used when a non-IT employee in the company has to manage a...
Managing authorizations in AD is often exhausting. It is not a complicated task, but it occurs frequently and one or the other would like to get rid of it. It...
Assigning permissions to Organizational Units (OUs) simplifies administration tasks. This is especially relevant after migrations. The following article exemplifies how you can create and use self-updating OU groups in Active Directory. (more…)
In Microsoft’s Active Directory groups are used to manage permissions and access to shares and apps. But with a big number of users accounts the group management becomes time-consuming for...
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