Development, Distribution, Copyright by:
FirstAttribute AG
Am Büchele 18
86928 Hofstetten
Phone: +49 81 969 984 330
Fax: +49 89 215 442 49
info (at) firstattribute.com
Andreas Martin
Supervisory Board:
Thomas Pietz (Chairman)
Registration court:
Amtsgericht Augsburg
Company registration number:
HRB 31511
Tax number:
Ust-IdNr: DE213979707
Liability note, Copyright & Disclaimer
Liability note
Despite having thoroughly checked external links, we do not take liability for their contents. Only the operators of the external websites are responsible for the content.
The copyright of published, by FirstAttribute and its employees created objects, remains with the author of the websites. The multiplication or utilization of these graphics and texts in other electronic or printed publications is not permitted without having received the author’s approval.
Brand and trademarks named on this website are unrestrictedly subject to the regulation of the respectively valid trademark law(s) and optionally of the listed owner’s titles.
FirstAttribute has thoroughly checked the information about products and services included on this website. FirstAttribute cannot however, guarantee their correctness, completeness or suitability for certain purposes. FirstAttribute excludes any liability for harm resulting from the utilization of this website unless intent or gross negligence can be proved. FirstAttribute reserves the right to change, completely or partly, or to delete any contents of this website at any time without previous announcement. This also refers to products, services or prices described on this website. FirstAttribute is not obliged to maintain the contents of this website at the current or any implied state.