User interactive PowerShell scripts
You can automate recurrings tasks with interactive PowerShell scripts. How to query input values? How to make PS scripts interactive? An introduction to Read-Host, Confirm, PromptForChoice and Prompt (more…)
You can automate recurrings tasks with interactive PowerShell scripts. How to query input values? How to make PS scripts interactive? An introduction to Read-Host, Confirm, PromptForChoice and Prompt (more…)
Certain programs behave differently on a terminal server than on a normal client. One of these is the Adobe Reader. And the protected mode has its specialties. (more…)
A PowerShell script to analyze and report active and inactive AD objects. How the script was made and what to take care of. (more…)
I was looking for a possibility to check and supervise the synchronization of user-objects with Quest Migration Manager for Active Directory. In addition, I was missing a good overview to...
Today we had to search a NDS eDirectory via Powershell script. After some tests and searching the internet we found the following solution. (more…)
Many administrators use KiXtart and have developed their own login script. The script checks group memberships of the users during the log-in process to connect network drives, assign printers and...
Lately we found a security gap in Active Directory. We noticed that some accounts in Active Directory were active, but contained an empty password. This should not be possible if...
We were recently faced with the task of automatically filling an Excel 2010 document with PowerShell on a Windows 2008 R2 Server. If you are not using a english system,...
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