User interactive PowerShell scripts
You can automate recurrings tasks with interactive PowerShell scripts. How to query input values? How to make PS scripts interactive? An introduction to Read-Host, Confirm, PromptForChoice and Prompt (more…)
You can automate recurrings tasks with interactive PowerShell scripts. How to query input values? How to make PS scripts interactive? An introduction to Read-Host, Confirm, PromptForChoice and Prompt (more…)
I want to introduce you briefly how to deploy an intranet phone book using Active Directory in a short time. I want to discuss – Advantages and disadvantages of standalone...
Some websites can not be displayed with Mozilla Firefox anymore. Instead you get the message: Error: the connection was interrupted. The reason is the encryption of the web browser with...
The current “Windows 10 Technical Preview for Enterprise” can be downloaded from the Microsoft website. To be able to do that, you have to sign up for the “Windows 10...
Active Directory Delegation Wizard is a nice tool to delegate recurring tasks within the AD user administration. It can be extended with almost no limitations to enable the delegation of...
To optimize search results in Outlook, different parameters can be used. The syntax is structured as follows: Search Operator: search string 1 Search Operator: search string Beside the special search...
One of the basic principles of an Active Directory domain migration is the access to resources in the source domain based on SIDHistory information of the migrated user-account or group....
The usage of digital certificates for encrypted communication and lettering of data like email is a top item on most companies’ wish list. Surprisingly many companies still don’t use it....
Event ID 10016 – Solving the DCOM Security Policy message in SharePoint 2010 step-by-step. In the last half year we designed and built a 3-step SharePoint 2010 environment for a...
I realized that many do not know how to switch between IPv6 and IPv4 Ping. The only thing you have to do is to add a parameter when pinging. (more…)
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