Change primary email address with Powershell
A user can have multiple email addresses in Exchange. However, only one of them is his primary e-mail address. So what happens if you want to change one of the...
A user can have multiple email addresses in Exchange. However, only one of them is his primary e-mail address. So what happens if you want to change one of the...
Today’s article explores a part of the O365 Hybrid Configuration called Exchange Federation Trust. The Exchange Federation Trust is automatically created when the Exchange Hybrid Configuration Wizard (HCW) is used. (more…)
Migration Manager for Exchange DirSync (QMM) – protocolSettings cannot be configured. Today I want to share an experience I made with the Dell Migration Manager for Exchange (former QMM EX)....
Directory Synchronization Agent, DSA is part of Quest Migration Manager for Exchange. Sometimes, DSA produces an error which is not really self-explanatory: Error 0xe1000005. Internal DSA error. This article will...
Do you always have to stop the agents in Dell/Quest Migration Manager for Exchange when you want to make changes to collection settings? No, you don’t. I want to show...
Lately I could gather some new information and I would like to share it with you. QMMEX connection problems Part I, was about the circumstances that may hinder a successful...
If you run QMM for Exchange you might feel the need of an automated creation of mailbox collections. To avoid the creation of hundreds of target databases, Dell (Quest) offers...
Dell/Quest Migration Manager for Exchange QMMEX is probably the leading tool for the migration of Active Directory objects and Exchange mailboxes. For the Exchange migration – mostly everything works automatically....
Email migrations with Quest Migration Manager for Exchange are executed with minimal impact for the end user. One main reason for this is that both inboxes (in source and target)...
To optimize search results in Outlook, different parameters can be used. The syntax is structured as follows: Search Operator: search string 1 Search Operator: search string Beside the special search...
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