Mapped drives are not available in Windows Explorer
Drive mapping and the local administrator group.Or: What do you have to do that mapped drives are available (if you are an admin)? Besides them being integrated into the logon...
Drive mapping and the local administrator group.Or: What do you have to do that mapped drives are available (if you are an admin)? Besides them being integrated into the logon...
In its February-Patch, Microsoft covers an important security gap which allows attackers to execute malicious code on user PCs. It concerns the function for executing batch-files and scripts – e.g....
Directory Synchronization Agent, DSA is part of Quest Migration Manager for Exchange. Sometimes, DSA produces an error which is not really self-explanatory: Error 0xe1000005. Internal DSA error. This article will...
Today I want to write about Office 365 and On-Premise with Federation and DirSync.As I think functionality and typical questions are the most interesting for you, I want to focus...
Problem with moving files to NTFS volume: – Files disappear after moving– Denial of access when user is only authorized in the target-directory Here, we provide you with a detailed...
For the configuration of a Microsoft Online Tenant in the Microsoft Cloud (e.g. for Office 365) you need additional Powershell modules.To get them, just install ‘SharePoint Online Management Shell’.I want...
I reviewed the AD configuration at a customer’s lately and had to deal the option “Bridge all site links”. You can find the option in the Active Directory Sites and...
I am planning to expand a VMWare ESX farm. What are the requirements the new host has to fulfill. (more…)
How to deal with SharePoint service accounts? The following questions always come up at the beginning of a SharePoint project: Which accounts are needed? When does it make sense to...
Last week I faced the easy task to activate LDAPs on Windows Server 2008 R2 domain controllers. One of the applications required an encrypted LDAP connection, because password changes are...
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