Delegate AD group management
Managing authorizations in AD is often exhausting. It is not a complicated task, but it occurs frequently and one or the other would like to get rid of it. It...
Articles related to Active Directory administration. (user, computer and group management)
Managing authorizations in AD is often exhausting. It is not a complicated task, but it occurs frequently and one or the other would like to get rid of it. It...
With Windows Server 2012 and 2016, Microsoft integrated a wide range of innovations in its server operating system. In comparison with Windows Server 2019, the focus is now on improving...
Quite often, projects come to a point when all members of a certain AD group have to be read out recursively. Recursive list of groups and members What does recursive...
After an Active Directory migration project, users might not be able to logon anymore. This article shows solutions how to prevent this problem ahead of time with the use of...
The installation of an application requires elevated rights. At first, the administrator might try to decline the request. But quite often colleagues return with an “approval” by their management. If...
Looking at Azure AD User Principal Name it is the same as almost always in IT: For a successful implementation it is recommendable to have a thorough plan in place....
AD LDS – Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services LDAP Directory offers different authentication methods, i.e.: simple LDAP bind anonymous bind or bind redirection – also known as Proxy Authentication. In this...
I frequently get asked which group type can be member of which group. For this reason I decided to explain the nesting of AD groups in this article with the...
To create a list of all subnets belonging to an AD site requires a lot of manual work, especially as the environment gets larger. However, there is of course another way to retrieve...
An experienced AD administrator uses the PowerShell cmdLets „Get-ADUser“ and „Set-ADUser“ for many automated processes in the domain. (more…)
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