Lately I could gather some new information and I would like to share it with you.
QMMEX connection problems Part I, was about the circumstances that may hinder a successful synchronization of Exchange mailboxes with Quest Migration Manager for Exchange.
Part II covers connection problems with Mail Source Agent (MSA) due to deactivated email protocols.
E-Mail protocols are deactivated
The Mail Source Agent (MSA) of Quest Migration Manager for Exchange cannot connect to the source mailbox because the MAPI protocol is deactivated.
The following error message appears in EMWMSA.LOG:
CSession::Logon Error -2147221219 The Microsoft Exchange Server computer is not available. Either there are network problems or the Microsoft Exchange Server computer is down for maintenance. – MAPI_E_FAILONEPROVIDER (Microsoft Exchange Server Information Store) Low level error: 0x0 File: ‘aeWrapHelpers.h’ Line: ‘279’
This is a problem which can be prevented in advance. To ensure a connection of the Mail Source Agent, just query the email-protocols via PowerShell.
And here is the PowerShell script to do that.
PowerShell scripts: query E-Mail protocols
$userMB=Get-Mailbox $user.samAccountName
$userMBProtocols=Get-CASMailbox $userMB
if ($userMBMAPIProtocol -ne $true)
“Mail protocols disabled: ” + $user.samAccountName + “;” + $userMBMAPIProtocol
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